Lead Generation application : in-house management of campaigns and agents

Drishti Jain
3 min readDec 27, 2022


Image by Freepik

Problem Statement : While the leads are generated and the management is done offline, there are many loopholes in the system and the data always remains at risk as there are no secure systems to abstract the data from unauthorized users.

Approach : I started the process by gathering the requirements of the organization and gained deep knowledge about the level of security required at each step of the campaign management.

User Flow — There are 4 different use cases who completes the entire journey of the product.
Manager — The one who shoots the campaign on a set of data and the converted lead calls are redirected to the agents.
Agent — The one who then picks up the call and gather the details from the “user”. Agents decide whether the information is worthy of becoming a lead or not. The leads are then sent to QA panel for validation.
QA — The one who then revalidates the leads sent by the agent. The revalidated leads are sent to the user panel which can be bought by the users looking for the leads.
User — The one who can sign up to the panel and buy leads from the platform. The user can be any individual or an organization.

  1. Brainstorming — As the first step I prepared a list of questions for the multiple stakeholders to get the insights of the flow and requirements. The details needs to be very well curated in terms of data privacy and what kind of privacy is required on every panel.
Image by rawpixel.com on Freepik

2. User Personas — Based on each type of user I have prepared the user persona describing the pain points in each scenario.

User Personas

3. Wireframing — The real deal started while scribbling and deciding information architecture of the different panels.
I worked on the wireframes of each of the panels and decided the information flow and the connection amongst them.

4. Design Mockups — Here comes the outcome! I designed the panels keeping in mind all the use cases and data security. I tried to keep the design minimal yet trendy for a clutter-free user experience.

Manager’s panel user interface :

Design mockups for Manager’s panel

Agent’s panel user interface :

Design mockups for Agent’s panel

QA’s panel user interface :

Design mockup for QA’s panel

This project gave me a lot to learn about the new aspects of lead generation business. I was able to adapt to new terminologies and methods quicly and solve real time problems which in turn helped in achieving the business goals along with a soothing user experience.

