CoMeet : video conferencing application

Drishti Jain
2 min readOct 5, 2021


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Problem Statement : When the pandemic hit and everything was forced to shut down, everyone was forced to work from home. For better communication within teams, staff and building relationships with clients was all dependent on the video calling applications. People struggled for a cost efficient and secure video conferencing application.

Approach : I designed the human centric user interface of the video conferencing application for the clients keeping in mind the business goals of the company and the requirements of the end users. I started by gathering the requirements of the users and then proceeded to write user personas and the user flow. The final step to design the high fidelity mockups and getting it tested and gathering feedbacks by the users.

User personas : After gathering the requirements and knowing the pain points of the user I have come up with the following user personas.

User personas for students, teachers and professionals

User Flow : A fair idea of how the application will proceed with the information segmented in sections to perform a particular task and easily complete the user journey in minimum possible time.

User flow

Design Mockups : The high fidelity are designed using Figma showing the whole flow with active and inactive stages of the application and covering almost all the possibilities and solving all the pain points of the users. The mockups can be viewed here.

CoMeet : video conferencing application

Thanks for reading. Suggestions and feedbacks are most welcome :)

